A jolly week part 2

On Tuesday night Chris and I went to Sudestada for dinner. It's a lovely place. I enjoyed the pork ribs and Chris had a beef curry. We steered away from the oh-so-hot starter we had last time. It was very pleasant as the restaurant wasn't packed for a change. After dinner we took a lovely stroll through Palermo Hollywood before heading home.

The rest of the week has really been spent relaxing and sitting by the pool in Chris' building, although yesterday we did that and managed to lock ourselves out. The thing about Argentime apartment buildings is that you need a key to get out! Chris had an appointment at the Physio so we needed to leave and his landlady (with the spare key) wasn't answering her phone. So we had to knock on a random door and ask the man to let us out. He was terribly helpful.

We've also been planning our little trip. The rough plan is: Saturday we head to Montevideo for two nights and then up to Punta del Este for three more. One night back in Buenos Aires. Bus across to Cordoba, then Salta, then Jujuy! Can't wait. I'll be gone two weeks in total. Afterwards Chris is planning on going to Nuequen and I'll come back to BsAs.


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