Up to date

I haven’t posted for almost a week! It’s been busy and I really haven’t had time. Here is a quick roundup of what I’ve been doing, just to bring everyone up to date!

Back to school after the long weekend. Our last week so I was quite pleased it was coming to an end for a bit. I’ve really enjoyed learning but it was taking its toll and I was feeling busy all the time, which is not why I left London.

In the afternoon I went to visit Maxi. Well, we went up to Martinez, a very swanky suburb on the edge of the city. We had coffee up there and looked at the river (staying in the city you could be here for months and not even know that there is a river). The area is very posh indeed, big houses, immaculate lawns and gardens, every second shop and exclusive boutique. It reminded me of parts of the South African suburbs but I guess suburbs are similar all over the world. After that, Maxi showed me around Belgrano and the little “China Town”.

In the evening I met Chris at a Parilla in San Telmo with the school. This time there was a great turn out, around 30 people. It was fun. I had steak. After dinner Chris, Carmen and I went for a drink and found an amazing cocktail bar. We only stayed for a couple beers before heading home.

On Thursday night we went for drinks at Flux bar. Kind of low key. It was intended as a gay expat gathering thingie, but hardly anybody came. It was good to see Vlad though, who we’d not seen since his trip to IguazĂș.

Friday, after school (our last day), I went to town to pick up bus tickets for our trip to Patagonia. I found this great website where you enter your itinerary and they book all the tickets for you (there are about a thousand different companies) and you pick up the tickets at their office. They charge 5% which is well worth it – every companies website is different and can be tricky to use without local ID numbers. So I did that, which was cool. It’s run by a rather tall German man, which is not what I was expecting when I rocked up.

After that, I met Lorena at a coffee shop on Florida. She is my new private Spanish teacher. I decided to continue learning although not at the school. I’m planning on doing around 6 hours a week when we get back from Trelew. She was cool and I was very impressed. If anyone wants her contact details, let me know.

In the evening we went to this charity pub crawl thing arranged by a group of Americans working with poor children in La Boca. I was a bit apprehensive at first, it’s really not my scene but as quite a few kids from the school were going we decided to go too. It was great. A really nice bunch of people (I have a new found respect for our European brothers and sisters based on the people I’ve met here – almost universally lovely. We stayed out very late in a nightclub in Palermo (a straight nightclub! – he he).

Needless to say the next day was quite slow. I went for a walk, had a snooze and a sit in the park. The lovely David arrived on Saturday morning. So we met for dinner and drinks in the evening. That was last night.

We met D&V at Plaza Serrano and went to a bar called something I can’t remember and had a quiet drink. Then we went to La Cabrera. Vlad had been the week before and loved it so thought it a good place to take David for his first night, and I think it worked. Although I don’t think it’s my scene it is lovely and the steaks massive, I can understand why it is so popular with extranjeros (foreigners). I’m not sure there were any local diners there.

We really should have ordered less food but didn’t realise. Each steak was massive, like the size of a Sunday roast for a family of four. I could only manage half of mine and had to send the rest back (I felt bad but didn’t want to feel unwell). As I say, it’s a nice place but not somewhere I would rush back to. The massive steaks are a bit crass (unless shared I guess) and the lack of locals always worries me a little.

After dinner we popped into Bulnes for a couple drinks but everyone (not least David) was pretty tired so it was a relatively early night.


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