I just woke up from the most amazing nap. I think I really needed it, it’s been quite a hectic week. I realise I haven’t updated since Tuesday – it’s been that kind of week. On Wednesday we went out for dinner with Vlad and some of the folk from his school. We went to an Armenian restaurant called Sarkis, just below Cordoba. It was delicious, although we did have to wait for about an hour to get a table. It was just such a welcome relief to have different food. And with a spicy salsa to go with it! It was a fairly laid back night although quite late. It meant we were a little tired the next day at school.
On Thursday, after school Chris and I decided we needed to enjoy the glorious sunshine. The Spring weather in this city is amazing, it’s almost like seasonal perfection. So, after lunch we headed out to visit a park. We decided to go to Plaza Mitre on Puerreydon, a short walk away. It’s a beautiful little park but they don’t let you lie on the grass, so we carried on to the little nameless park on the other side of Recoleta Cemetary and lay down with everyone else. It was heaven.

After that, I went for a stroll and Chris went to the gym. In the evening, we went out and met up with Sergio, a friend of our friend, Raymond. We met him in an Irish pub in Palermo, near Cerrano square. He was terribly charming and it was good to meet a local. We only met him for a couple of hours are we were due to join the evening’s school party that night.
After enjoying a beer with Sergio, we jumped in a taxi and wizzed across town to meet folk from school. The events lady had arranged dinner at a Cuban restaurant and a salsa show. We hadn’t really been doing many of the school events so thought we ought to make the effort. Thank goodness we did. When we got there, there was only Cecilia (the lady from the school) and three other students – the two American folk from our class and a lady from New York. It was a pleasant evening although the venue wasn’t fantastic and quite pricey. Needless to say, it was quite a slow start again today.
AND, today is Friday and it’s a long weekend in Argentina, which is brilliant. We had hoped to go away but didn’t plan anything soon enough and most places seem to be fully booked, which kind of makes sense for a long weekend. It also seems a bit silly to go away when everyone else does when in a few weeks we will not be studying and will be able to go any time. So, we have delayed our trip to Rosario for a few weeks.
After school, we went for lunch with Carmen (the German lady who lives in Thailand), Robin and John (the Americans from Seattle) at a parilla. Then the best snooze ever.
On Thursday, after school Chris and I decided we needed to enjoy the glorious sunshine. The Spring weather in this city is amazing, it’s almost like seasonal perfection. So, after lunch we headed out to visit a park. We decided to go to Plaza Mitre on Puerreydon, a short walk away. It’s a beautiful little park but they don’t let you lie on the grass, so we carried on to the little nameless park on the other side of Recoleta Cemetary and lay down with everyone else. It was heaven.

After that, I went for a stroll and Chris went to the gym. In the evening, we went out and met up with Sergio, a friend of our friend, Raymond. We met him in an Irish pub in Palermo, near Cerrano square. He was terribly charming and it was good to meet a local. We only met him for a couple of hours are we were due to join the evening’s school party that night.
After enjoying a beer with Sergio, we jumped in a taxi and wizzed across town to meet folk from school. The events lady had arranged dinner at a Cuban restaurant and a salsa show. We hadn’t really been doing many of the school events so thought we ought to make the effort. Thank goodness we did. When we got there, there was only Cecilia (the lady from the school) and three other students – the two American folk from our class and a lady from New York. It was a pleasant evening although the venue wasn’t fantastic and quite pricey. Needless to say, it was quite a slow start again today.
AND, today is Friday and it’s a long weekend in Argentina, which is brilliant. We had hoped to go away but didn’t plan anything soon enough and most places seem to be fully booked, which kind of makes sense for a long weekend. It also seems a bit silly to go away when everyone else does when in a few weeks we will not be studying and will be able to go any time. So, we have delayed our trip to Rosario for a few weeks.
After school, we went for lunch with Carmen (the German lady who lives in Thailand), Robin and John (the Americans from Seattle) at a parilla. Then the best snooze ever.