
Okay, so we’ve moved. Our original flat was always only for a month. We’ve now moved to a different apartment in Barrio Norte. Incidentally Eva Peron once expressed her desire to bomb Barrio Norte in response to its profoundly middle class credentials.
Anyway, we’re here. At first we really didn’t like the apartment – we hadn’t actually seen it except on in the internet. It’s got some good and bad bits. We’re here for two months so we’re not going to dwell on its problems although except to say that it has no outlook apart from walls! So not a whole lot of natural light. However it is VERY quiet, still still still which I didn’t think possible for Buenos Aires. Oddly I had totally got used to the noise at the first apartment so that doesn’t seem like such a priority now. Anyway, I’ll post some pics tomorrow and write more about the place.

The move was pretty straightforward, the manager of the first apartment in Billinghurst came at 10.00 and gave us back our deposit. A very charming lady with a very English name, Miriam Chandler. Her grandfather was English apparently.

She mentioned she manages other apartments so we might try to work with her to find the next place we stay in. We plan to move early December and try find somethat will be better for entertaining as Mrs C and Helen will be here in Dec and then my mother in January. I think making some local contacts will help. Chris has also been speaking to a lady who helped the Norwegian ladies at our school find a place so we should be able to get something suitable by Dec. Ideally we’d like better outdoor space, particularly as the weather is getting warmer and warmer every day!

I digress. After she’d left we popped into Vlad’s flat for half an hour, we were a little too early to check in at the new place. A short cab ride later were at the corner of Arenales and Ecuador – our new esquina. The check in process was relatively easy, it was actually quite fun as I tried out some of my recently acquired language skills in a context other than a restaurant or shop! The owner doesn’t speak English much but the lady from the agency did. So all was well.


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