Starting School

Today (Monday) I started my Spanish lessons at a place called Iberio. It’s downtown, well in Congresso. We had to be at the school by 8.30 in order to pay and to sort out all the admin before classes start. It was a shock to the system getting up so early, I can tell you. We travelled there by bus down Avenida Santa Fe. It seemed like a very civilised journey to school considering the size of the city. I suspect however that it might not be so easy tomorrow as we’ll probably be travelling slap bang in the middle of rush hour.

Walking down Billinghurst to Santa Fe we thought it had been raining but actually all the building superintendants were out frantically washing and scrubbing the little piece of sidewalk in front of their buildings. Presumably getting rid of the previous day’s dog poo too.

The school seemed really sweet, small, professional and friendly. There were actually only three classes going on although they have space for more. There are 6 students in our class, two Americans (a married couple) who are around our age (thank goodness) and two very young very beautiful Norwegian over-achievers. They can virtually speak fluent Spanish already so who know what they are doing in a beginners course.

Our teacher is a very nice young lady, very friendly and a little bit funky. Today we hurtled through all the beginner stuff, adjectives, present tense verbs, articles, descriptions – all stuff we’d done before. I think she was trying to work out where the various students are in their knowledge. The class has quite a range of abilities. I suspect that quite a bit of home revision will be needed to keep up although she did say she’d slow down once she got past the basics. It was good to have the refresher.

It’s good to have something concrete to do each day and to meet new people although I’m very tired now, we walked home and I think a snooze might be in order.


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