Daily Pic 3 : Casa Rosada y Plaza de Mayo

The Peronist gatherings in the Plaza de Mayo followed the tradition began in May 1810 when people crowded the plaza to support Argentine independence. The English poet and critic G. S. Fraser saw Evita in 1947 from this plaza: “It was pretty full, bit not jam-packed. A loudspeaker kept announcing that the president and his wife would appear soon, a brass band occasionally struck up martial airs. Groups of young men and women moved through the crowd in single file, bearing aloft placards on which there were gigantic smiling portraits of Perón and Evita.” Finally Evita, “a slim figure, with near fair hair, in a light beige costume”, appeared on the balcony of the Casa Rosada and read from a typescript in a high “strident” voice; “she was fierce and emphatic” and attacked the newspaper La Prensa. Later mobs smashed windows in the La Prensa building nearby in Avenida de Mayo. Later on 15 April 1953, as Perón was speaking from the balcony, two bombs went off and killed six people. Perón incited the angry crowd to attack the oligarcht, and supporters duly burnt down the Jockey Club.
From Buenos Aires, A Cultural and Literary History – Jason Wilson


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