Memories of Mile End bus stop

Originally uploaded by owenaj
We've left Mile End now and the warm comfortable bosom of Philip and Anne's hospitality. We are now in Bloomsbury in, ummm, Jason's bosom. He too is being a delight and very welcoming. It was fun staying with those two in the East End... It's also fun to be changing "home" every week, although I'm sure eventually the novelty is bound to wear thin. At the moment though, the fun of being somewhere new is still enough. Jason lives very centrally so it's been fun being able to walk most places, although foolishly we went to the East End this afternoon to visit the Carhartt shop near London Field. Not very far from where PJ and Anne live.

Here are some pics taken while waiting for the bus in Mile End.

Last night Richy was kind enough to have us over for dinner with his wife, Pauline. A delight in every way.

We were all due to attend the Trannie Olympics tonight but we decided against it... cold feet. It's raining and cold. Chris has gone to watch "The Dark Knight" with Fiona and I'm meeting Richard at Escape.


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