Today I've been reading about Florencia De la V, a famous Argentine transsexual. Inspired by this post on Buenos Aires Daily I thought I'd try find out more.
There isn't a great deal written (at least not in Spanish) but I was able to find out (thanks wikipedia) a bit more. She's an actor and ex magazine editor. I'll need to find out more.
Yesterday Chris and I took a long stroll. Along the way we came across and area (just near Abasto) with thousands of shops selling store manequins. It was very strange indeed. In this city it seems that stores of a type seem to be located in the same area... all medical supplies in one place, all wool shops in one place and now these.
As I mentioned earlier I am reading as much as I can about Argentina, currently focusing on finding out more about the Kirchners,triggered mainly by what seemed like some negative comments in some of the blogs I've been reading. While digging around I came across this interview that Time did with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in September 2007, before she was elected. It has some interesting quotes in it, and two in particular caught my attention and gave me pause for thought. You can't be a capitalist only when there are investment profits but then a socialist when you experience losses. and We're not averse to capitalism. But if they used to say, "Workers of the world unite!" then we also say today, "Capitalists of the world, assume your social responsibility!" I'm intrigued by both of these ideas. The former mainly because I it reminds me of the UK government bailing out failing mortgage lender Northern Rock earlier in the year and the recent US...