When my baby smiles at me...

I´m in RIO! Love it here... Our flight yesterday was delayed so we spent a lot of the day either waiting in the airport or flying the 3 hours. We only got in after dark. After checking into our respective apartments we met at 21.30 and headed out. We went to a little local restaurant and had chicken. The novelty of vegetables was almost overwhelming. Almost as novel as the salads we had for lunch today. I had grown used to not expecting much from the salads, having been in BA for so long. After dinner we went for a drink and watched the same three people singing karaoke all night. The drinks in Rio are STRONG.

This morning we met at 10.30 and went for brunch. The weather isn´t brilliant not beach suitable at all so we rented bikes and rode all the way to the far end of Copacabana and the far end of Leblon. It was fun although my ass is feeling slightly hard done by. Now I´m in a cyber cafe, struggling with the keyboard and the slow internet connection.

Being here is great, it provides an interesting new perspective on BsAs. Both cities are complex and display characteristic that are both sophisticated and modern as well as seemingly typical of the developing world... but in such different ways. Some of the things that I have learnt to live with in BA (the lack of change, the refusal of some shops to accept 100 peso notes or credit cards, the total lack of variety in the food on offer in restaurants, ham and cheese in EVERY sandwich) don´t seem to be a issue here and at the same time Rio has it´s own little quirks. I´m interested to see what I think in a couple of days.


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