Too much beef?

On Saturday night we went out with Vlad for dinner again, we all decided we didn’t want another steak and that a visit to a Parilla was not the best idea so we went to a Thai restaurant. There aren’t very many in BA but some of the students in class had mentioned one so we mailed them and got the details. It’s out in Las Canitas (an area I’m growing quite fond of). We had a delicious meal. The food was superb and the house it was in, beautiful.

Unlike London, the restaurant was not staffed by genuine Thai people, I don’t think there are many in BA, but that didn’t matter. Our waitress looked like Lilly Allen’s younger, more beautiful sister and was terribly sweet. The menu was standard Thai fare. We had a small portion of Sate to start with. The chicken was good but the beef was amazing, as you’d expect.

After dinner we went to Cero Consecuencia again for an hour or so and then on to Bulnes. We didn’t actually make it into Bulnes as the queue was too long. I think it might be the first time that has happened, I think we might have discovered where everyone goes on a Saturday night.

Cero Consecuencia is a strange little bar, it’s full of very young people who are clearly very into fashion and looking good but who don’t have a lot of money to spend on their clothes. The drinks are cheap, the music bad and it only starts getting busy at around 1! Very friendly though. We’re always the first people there. The queue outside Bulnes was quite different, older well dressed and richer, I imagine.


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